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“Have a mind that is open to everything and attached to nothing.”

—Dr. Wayne Dyer


I thought you’d like to know a little more about me...

I live in Calgary, Alberta, Canada with my husband. I’ve been studying spiritual principles for many years. I love Abraham-Hicks, Earnest Holmes, Neville Goddard, and so many more! When I first heard Abraham’s LAW OF ATTRACTION concepts, twenty years ago, I thought they were fascinating, but I had no idea how they would transform my life. 

I’m no stranger to the emotional issues I write about. I suffered from depression for nearly fifteen years. It was my desire for well-being that led me to apply the principles of Law of Attraction that changed my life and brought me the joy I now experience.  

I woke up one day in 2006 with an insatiable urge to write. I’ve always been an avid reader and especially love a good romance novel, but writing one had never crossed my mind. The process turned out to be a magical experience as it flowed through my fingers and onto the computer screen almost faster than I could keep up. A few months later, I had a finished manuscript that to this day still amazes me.

Needless to say, the process didn't end there. I knew there was more to write and soon began book two, followed by book three of a trilogy. That was a great accomplishment, but really just the beginning. Writing novels became my passion as well as the most amazing source of joy and connection to my Inner Being that I have ever experienced! And nowwhile a seventh novel is brewing in the recesses of my mindI’m enjoying collecting new nuggets of truth and conveying them in a nonfiction format.

Jeane Watier