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“When you follow your bliss...doors will open where you would not have thought there would be a door.”

—Joseph Campbell


My books are available at a growing number of libraries. Check them out! (literally) If they aren’t available at your library, please submit a request and the library can order them.

An ongoing thanks to all the supportive people who cheer me on as I write, edit, format, re-edit, re-format (you get the idea) and publish my books. I’m proud of my accomplishments, honored to have received multiple awards, and touched by the wonderful feedback from my fans.

I hadn’t planned to write nonfiction, but when I came across Neville Goddard’s books, I resonated powerfully with the truth they contained. His teaching underscored the wisdom I’ve gleaned from so many other spiritual teachers. I began jotting down quotes and filling note-books with my thoughts. Though I was moved by the content of his work, the wording was outdated, so I found myself paraphrasing sections to better grasp the meaning. These books bring those paraphrased lines together in a way that sums up Neville’s philosophies. My desire is that Neville’s teachings, expressed in more up-to-date English, will help you as much as they have helped me.



Nonfiction? That’s new.


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