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The wisdom of Neville Goddard


“I am not the garment that I am wearing. I am the wearer of the garment…”

—Neville Goddard, The Secret of Imagining (1970 Lecture)

God is the “you” that you see in the mirror. You are a visible, physical rep-resentation of the Being known as “I AM,” the consciousness called God. When you first see your reflection, you don’t recognize God. But you’ve known God—known yourself as God—even before you knew this current version of you. That’s how consciousness awakens, by gradually recognizing itself.

God, your awareness, has been asleep. As it begins to wake up, you feel the sensation of movement and change. You’re aware of conflict and duality. You begin to question reality. You know there’s more to life than you've been told. Questions show up in mass and answers start to trickle in.

This book will help to answer those questions. Neville’s teachings about the identity and nature of God (summarized and updated for today’s reader) will help you to understand YOUR identity. With that understanding, you can wake up and reclaim the fullness of being God and break free from the limitations of your 3D reality.

God is Looking in the Mirror

Jeane’s books are available on Amazon in paperback and eBook formats