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“The very center of consciousness is the feeling of I AM. I may forget who I am, where I am, what I am, but I cannot forget that I AM.”  

—Neville Goddard, The Power of Awareness

Jeane’s books are available on Amazon in paperback and eBook formats


Consciousness—what people refer to as God—is the only substance in the universe. It is the great “I AM,” the reality behind all that you see and experience.

Consciousness is one, but through imagination, it gets expressed as multiple concepts. Those concepts are then manifested as people, circumstances, and objects—what you call physical, 3D reality. Because consciousness is the only reality, you can conclude, “In consciousness, I AM what I desire to be.” You can rest in that assumption, for in that determined mindset, you and God (your conscious awareness, your Infinite Being) are merged in creative unity. And with God, all things are possible.

This book is the result of the author’s own search for meaning and truth. I AM sums up Neville’s ageless principles—in more modern language—for those seeking to understand their true identity and their innate power.


Jeane’s books are available on Amazon in paperback and eBook formats