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The wisdom of Neville Goddard


“Imagination is the very gateway of reality.”

—Neville Goddard, Awakened Imagination

Nothing appears or continues to be by its own power. Events happen because comparatively stable imaginal activities created them, and they continue to be only as long as they receive that support. But what, exactly, is this imaginative power and how does it work?

Neville Goddard’s words and stories, paraphrased in this book, will solve the mystery. They’ll show you the secret of causation—that the drama of life is imaginal, not physical. When you learn to control what you’re imagining, you can know what is in the process of becoming.

Neville tells the story of a trip to his family home in Barbados and the life-changing wisdom he received from his friend Abdullah regarding it. That story is examined in this book and offered as a template that you can use in your own life. As you allow Neville's wisdom to seep into your very being, as you start to understand the power of imagination, you'll have the tools you need to manifest the life of your dreams.

Just Imagine

Jeane’s books are available on Amazon in paperback and eBook formats